Friday, February 13, 2009

"Twitter You This"

In response to “Twitter Me This”, this technology helps to diversify the sources of knowledge available to us and extends its well beyond our immediate surroundings.  It is vital, however, that we ensure this external knowledge augments, rather than replaces, our local knowledge and sources of knowledge.  

It is necessary, therefore, that we strike a balance between our Métis ways of knowing and connecting to the cyber world. As students and teachers rely more and more on cyber based knowledge and on sources of knowledge in the cyber world we become in danger of loosing our local culture and perpetuating a new form of colonization.

Furthermore, we should see this cyber world as a venue for us to share our knowledge, skills, and wisdom and take our rightful place in the larger world.  Our voices count as well and this cyber world belongs as much to Métis people as any other peoples.  We also have to ensure our students and teachers can interface with this technology so we can keep up with and relate to other peoples using this form of media.  In other words, Métis people are not passive recipients of knowledge but important contributors of knowledge.



  1. Absolutely! It is time we took our place in the larger world of technology. Maybe a place to start would be posting videos on our people's way of life and cultural values on youtube. I had no problem finding a video on filleting fish but I just felt it would be more meaningful to our students and teachers if it was taken through their lenses.

  2. Brilliant post Arlene. It's easy for technology to consume larger and larger chunks of our attention. There are a lot of great tools available to us, but they are just tools. A life with balance and a sense of self and place is lived more fully.

  3. Technology expands our world, but who are within that world is what we have to share. That sense of self that Brent talks of is essential, irregardless of what community we are speaking with, whether if be online or face to face.
