Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Empowering Role of Technology

The Validation of Digital Forms of Technology in the Far North

In response to my blog on the use of technology for effective and culturally relevant communication for Aboriginal and Northern peoples, I discovered an article that validates my understanding. This article “Connectivity in Canada’s Far North: Participatory Evaluation in Ontario’s Aboriginal Communities” by, Ferreira, Ramirez and Walmark (n.d.) stresses the importance of Indigenous peoples, especially in more remote areas, being connected to the cyber world. They specifically refer to the empowering role of digital video and photo voice.

Due to such technology, students could remain in their communities while they learned rather than being shipped out for ten months of the year, the latter resulted in distancing them from their families, communities, and culture. By remaining in their communities, students were able to maintain their traditional culture and language, giving them a strong position in both the European and Indigenous worlds.

Moreover, such forms of technology served as invaluable tools to promote positive development from the grassroots up, which gave residents an active role in policy formation, decision making in general, and actions that ensued. Thanks to technology, it literally gave them a voice. It also served as a significant means of empowering some our most disempowered people.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. We who do not live in the North, and who are used to having a voice, need to hear more.
